Giving Back

Community Giving

At – we are committed to giving back to the communities in which we operate. This includes a focus on local education initiatives in the areas where we rent vacation homes.

We accomplish this by making a donation for every booking that takes place in each destination to a local non-profit with a goal of supporting education. Each booking also supports our global initiative, The Sonder Project, which focuses on empowering underserved global communities through access to education, fresh water, and food security. Lastly, we give back to our industry through Inhabit IQ’s Right to Rent Program.

Giving Back Locally

Local Education

At Rentalz, we work with our local partners to find education-focused initiatives to support in their area. Our local partners, as involved members of the community, offer insight as to where they feel donations from Rentalz bookings in their markets can make the most meaningful impact. STEAM summer camps, college prep programs, free supplies for teachers, and student nutrition programs are all examples of the kinds of local programs we support.

Giving Back Globally

The Sonder Project

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One of the largest barriers to education worldwide is lack of access. The Sonder Project partners local communities to build schools in remote areas.

 The community provides the land, some materials, and the labor for sustainable, high impact growth. Communities must agree to send girls and boys in equal numbers. Upon completion, each community takes ownership of the school.

1 in 10 people worldwide lack access to clean water. Accessing water from shared sources can take hours each day, with the responsibility mainly falling on women and children, perpetuating the poverty cycle.

 The Sonder Project drills closed-system wells to help keep communities healthy and free up time for children to learn and women to care for their families and participate in the economy.

Investing in Our Industry

Right to Rent

A portion of every rental through our site is invested back into our industry through Inhabit IQ’s Right to Rent program, which advocates for property managers on a local and national level. Right to Rent’s mission is to protect travelers’ rights to choose the type of accommodation they want. It works to protect the rights of property owners to rent their vacation homes and for businesses to rent vacation properties without unfair taxation or regulation.

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