Bear Lake State Park

Bear Lake State Park
940 N Bear Lake Blvd, Bear Lake, Idaho 84028
Detailed Information

Brilliantly blue waters combined with sandy beaches are what call park visitors to play, fish, boat, and camp here at Bear Lake State Park. Minerals (calcium carbonate) suspended in the lake’s waters are what help create its spectacular aqua-blue color.

The state park offers a developed marina with paved boat ramps and boat slips. In addition, there are boat ramps at several other places around the lake.

Each season lends its own characteristic to the lake. Year-round, visitors enjoy a number of recreational and cultural activities. Experience the rush of snowmobiling in the nearby mountains. Ski nearby at family-owned Beaver Mountain resort. Navigate a personal watercraft across the turquoise water. Feel the rod-bending excitement of a Bear Lake cutthroat on the end of a fishing line. Sail off into the sunset. Explore America’s past and discover the stories about mountain men, fur trappers and Mormon pioneers.