New Hanover County Arboretum

New Hanover County Arboretum
6206 Oleander Dr, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403
Detailed Information

The New Hanover County ArboretumĀ is a peaceful retreat for nature lovers everywhere. With seven acres of greenery, and gorgeous foliage that changes with the season, every visit offers a new way to experience the native and beloved plant life of Wilmington in a perfectly tranquil setting. There is no admissions charge to visit the Arboretum.

The Arboretum itself was formally opened in 1989, and continues to grow with new gardens and statue displays that are contributed by local artists and landscaping experts. Currently, the Arboretum contains 33 distinctly different gardens which include varying species that are either native to the Cape Fear area or thrive in the coastal Carolina environment.